Eraser's diagram-as-code offers basic styling options which can be applied at the diagram-level or the node or group level.

Here's an overview of all the syntax.

PropertyValuesDefault valueSyntax example
colorModepastel, bold, outlinepastelcolorMode bold
styleModeshadow, plain, watercolorshadowstyleMode shadow
typefacerough, clean, monoroughtypeface clean


Color mode gives you the ability to control the lightness of the fill colors

  • pastel: Generally lighter fill (default)
  • bold: Generally darker fill
  • outline: Transparent fill

Here are examples of colorMode being applied across diagram types.

Here are syntax examples of colorMode being applied at the diagram level and at the node level:

// diagram level application
colorMode bold

// node level application
Server [color: green, colorMode: bold]


Style mode gives you the ability to apply embellishments.

  • shadow: Apply a shadow behind nodes and groups (default)
  • plain: No shadows or watercolor
  • watercolor: Apply a watercolor look to nodes and groups

Here are examples of styleMode being applied.

Here are syntax examples of colorMode being applied at the diagram level and at the node level:

// diagram level application
styleMode plain

// node level application
Server [color: green, styleMode: plain]


Typeface gives you the ability to apply different typeface styles for text.

  • rough: A handwriting font
  • clean: A clean san serif font
  • mono: A monospaced font

Here are examples of typeface being applied.

Here are syntax examples of typeface being applied at the diagram level and at the node level:

// diagram level application
typeface clean

// node level application
Server [color: green, typeface: clean]

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