We offer three plans – the Free Plan, Professional Plan, and the Enterprise Plan. Detailed list of features and pricing for each plan are on our pricing page.

Free Plan

The Free Plan is designed for individuals and teams that want to try Eraser. It offers unlimited team members, unlimited guests, and access to all of Eraser's core features. Free Plan teams can:

  • Create up to 8 files
  • Generate up to 20 AI diagrams
  • Access version history up to 7 days

Professional Plan

The Professional Plan is recommended for most teams using Eraser. It offers unlimited file creation and AI diagram generation. The Professional Plan is offered on either a monthly or annual basis.

You can upgrade by clicking on "Upgrade to Professional" on the Plans and Billings page.

Enterprise Plan

The Enterprise Plan is for larger organizations that have advanced needs around SAML SSO, custom invoicing, and dedicated support. If you are interested, please schedule a call.